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Prayers for Protection

Preparing to engage the enemy!

O LORD, my God, in thee do I put my trust; save me; from all my enemies, and from them that persecute, and wish all kind of evil upon me. You O LORD, are the Omnipotent One, who holds the seven stars in your right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.  

You are my shepherd O LORD, I shall not want, you make me to rest in green pastures; you lead me beside still waters, you restored my soul. You lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.  

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely thy goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in thy house, O LORD, forever.  

O LORD, and my God, have I found mercy in thy sight, let my word come unto thee, here me and pardon my offenses and my sins and my guilty conscience. My ancestor and I have sinned against thee, through making ungodly covenants with the evil one, by yielding our bodies to sin, and uncleanness, and have defiled your temple, which is our bodies, dating all the way back to Moses and the law.  

I come before you now in prayer, and asking for forgiveness on behalf of my ancestors, and for myself, for all the sins that we have committed against thy commandments and against thy law. And I also ask, O LORD God, that you would remove every curse that has been passed down to me, my children, my grandchildren, and future generations.  

O LORD God, please forgive us thy peoples of all the sins that has been passed down to us from my ancestors, from the 2nd and the 3 rd and the 4th generation before me, and pardon all our iniquities. 

O LORD, my God, you are the first and the last, which was dead and is alive, and is alive forever more, Amen. I ask you, O LORD, God of my strength, God of my refuge. my king, my deliverer, and my defense.  

Deliver me, my children, my grandchildren, and your people, the Church, deliver us O LORD God, from the powers of darkness, from the powers of witchcraft, and every wicket device of the Witch, the Wizards, the Warlocks, the satanic priests, the Sorcerous, the Skinwalkers, and the Siren spirits.  

Set us free, O LORD God, from all these evils powers that are working against your people, those who are working against us from the dark world, and to keep us from your purpose for our lives.  

Let their wicket devices, that they have put upon us, be upon them, for evil, and your blessing be upon us to do us good. Bless us O LORD God, and prosper us, and to multiply us, all the days of our lives, and bless us in the things of God forever, Amen.  

O Lord, you are the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and your feet are like fine brass from Lebanon; Break every curse, that has been put upon me, my children, my grandchildren, and your people, the Church. O LORD God, break every curse of Fetishes, of Charms, Every Vexes, Every Hexes, Every Spell, Every Jinxes, Every Enchantment, Every Love Spell, and the Sorcery.  

All these evils, our enemies have put upon us O God, remove and destroy, by the power of your word, and the precious blood of Christ. Let their wicket devices be upon them and let them not accomplish their purpose.

Deliver me O LORD, deliver my Children, my grandchildren, and your Church, from Every Incantation, and Every Enchantments of Spells, Charms, and Bewitchery through any kind of formulas, such as, spoken word curses, a sung chanted, or through any kind of rituals or prayers in the world of magic, fairies, wizards, witches. Any kind of laying on of hands, through touching, or any gifts that I have received from anyone that is operating in the dark world.  

O Lord God, you, who has the seven spirits of God, and the seven stars; make known to me, through a vision, or dreams, of anything that I have in my home from receiving gifts, or something that I have purchased from anywhere, any items that has an attachment, or curse to it, O Lord God, reveal these items to me, so that I may remove these items from my home and repent for receiving these items.  

My LORD, and my God, you who is the holy one, you are true, you have the key of David, you open, and no man shuts and shuts, and no man opens. Cover me with your divine power, and with your great your great glory.  

O LORD and my God, If I have sinned against thee through anger, and bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. These sins that may have opened doors to entrap me in the web of entrapment by the witches, and those who are operating in the dark world. I repent, and I turn away from all these evils, of anger, bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness, and I release the debt against of everyone who has wronged me.  

O LORD, and my God, destroy every web of entrapment that has entrapped me, and to keep me from moving forward, and to hold me back, destroy, O LORD, every web of entrapment, by the fire of your word and the precious blood of Christ. O LORD and my God, let all access from the dark world into my life, into my children’s lives, into my grandchildren’s lives, and even into your Church, be denied, from this day forward, even forever more, Amen.

Engage the Enemy, Attack!

O LORD, my God, you are faithful and true, you are the beginning of the creation of God. O LORD, my God, empower me O LORD, by faith in your Word, and by your Spirit to confess the confession of faith.  

By faith I renounce and break every curse and every spell that my enemies have put upon my life, to prevent me from moving forward, and to keep me from my destiny.  

By the precious blood of Christ and the Word of God, I renounce and break every curse that has come to me through any gifts that I have received from anyone. Including, Birthday Gifts, Christmas Gifts, Anniversary Gifts.  

And every other type of gifts, that I have received from anyone, including money, decorations for my home, any kind of clothing, shoes, jewelry, and everything purchased from any store that has anything attached to it that would bring me bad luck, and misfortunes and the gifts that would attract bad energy into my life. Be destroyed with the precious blood of Christ and the Word of God.  

I renounce and break by the power of the Word of God, every hex, every vex, every jinx, psychic powers, sorcery, enchantment, witchcraft, and the love spells. Be destroyed with the precious blood of Christ and the Word of God.  

O LORD God, you are my defense and my refuge in times of troubles, when my enemies, and my foes revolt against me, O LORD, lift a standard against them. And if I have opened any doors that gave my enemies access to me, through anger, and to entrap me in the web of entrapment, please forgive me O LORD, I repent.  

I now close, every door that I have opened, that led me into anger, such as, Bitterness, Resentment, and Unforgiveness. I seal these doors that I have opened, with the precious blood of Christ and the Word of God. 

By the power of the Word of God, and the blood of Christ, I renounce and break every root, and every spell put upon my head, under my feet, and upon my back. I and break every curse of hoodoo, voodoo, and every curse sent against me from the witch doctors, the wizards, the satanic priest, the sorcerers, the warlocks, and the siren spirits. With the precious blood of Christ, and the Word of God be destroyed.

  O LORD, and my God, you are my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? You are the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicket came against me to devour me, even my enemies and those who hate me, they together stumbled and fell.

  Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall fear; though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 

For in the day of trouble you shall hide me in your shelter, in the shadow of your tabernacle shall you hide me; you shall set me up upon a rock.  

And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me; therefore, will I offer in your tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing and praise you O LORD.  

Hear, OLORD, my voice when I call upon thee; have mercy also upon me and answer me, turn not thy face from me, O LORD, trouble not thy servant in anger, thou hast been my help, OLORD, cast me not out, neither leave me, O my God and my saviour.  

Deliver me not over into the hands of my enemies; O LORD, for false witnesses are revolted against me and have spoken cruelly, but have believed to see your goodness O LORD, in the land of the living. I trust in you, O LORD, yea, I trust in you O God of my salvation.  

With the precious blood of Christ, and by the power of the Word of God; I break the powers of every demon that has been assigned to every curse, and every spell in my life. I cancel your assignment, and I break your power, with the precious blood of Christ and the Word of God.  

You have no more legal rights to operate in my life, and I condemn all of you into the into abyss, there you shall be reserved until the Judgement of the great day! Now to you O LORD, and my God, who is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of your glory, with exceeding joy, To you, O LORD, the only God and my saviour, through Yishuah the Christ our Lord, Be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.